
  • Eleventy Excellent 2.0

    I created this starter after I saw Andy’s talk and studied the source code for buildexcellentwebsit.es. I quickly came to the conclusion that this is the way I want to build all my websites from now on! It's so great. I know many of you feel the same way.'

  • Post with a gallery

    A gallery with good old "popup" functionality inside a dialog element, a new image shortcode that links directly to the image with its original dimensions, and a regular loop over images.

  • What is Tailwind CSS doing here?

    We are using Tailwinds "engine" to generate utility classes on demand, based on our design tokens.

  • Demo pages

    As of version 2.0, the demos featured here are all directly built in the starter.

  • Open Graph images

    When you share your blog posts, a thumbnail image might appear. This starter generates these images for your blog posts automatically.

  • Post with all the markdown

    A lot of markdown packages are installed to help you write your posts. All presets are personal preference.

  • Post with a video

    This starter uses Justin Ribeiro's lite-youtube web component. Add `youtube: true` to frontmatter to activate.

  • Post with an image

    Eleventy's own build-time image transformations. Find more info on11ty.dev/docs/plugins/image/ and edit settings in config-folder.

  • Post with some code

    Syntax Highlighting is achieved by a pack of Eleventy plugins. No browser/client JavaScript, highlight transformations are all done at build-time.

  • Post with 301 redirects

    A 301 is used when a page has permanently changed location. Informing about this change is indispensable if you want to keep a positioning. Aleksandr Hovhannisyan came up with an elegant solution for Eleventy and Netlify.

  • Post with fetched content

    Eleventy Fetch fetches and caches resources - at configurable intervals. In this example I am fetching my public repositories with a cache duration of 1 day.